معلومات عنا
ما يميزنا
ASCENT هي شركة استشارية متخصصة في الحصول على حلول جوية مستدامة متقدمة. لدينا فريق من المهنيين ذوي الخبرة مع فهم عميق لسوق الحلول الجوية. يمكننا مساعدتك في العثور على الحل الجوي المناسب لاحتياجاتك ، سواء كنت فردًا أو شركة أو وكالة حكومية.
نحن ندرك أن كل مشروع يختلف عن الآخر ، ونصمم خدماتنا لتلبي متطلباتك الخاصة. نحن ملتزمون بتزويد عملائنا بأفضل خدمة ممكنة ، ونحن على ثقة من أنه يمكننا مساعدتك في العثور على الحل الجوي المناسب لاحتياجاتك.
أكثر الحلول الجوية المستدامة تقدمًا
Aviation Cluster Establishment
We help public agencies establish aviation clusters focused on sustainable innovation. We drive sustainable growth with cutting-edge technologies, strategic partnerships and investments, positioning regions as leaders in green aviation.
Air Mobility
We help set up urban and regional air mobility operations, providing solutions for integration into infrastructure, optimizing routes, ensuring compliance, and designing passenger experience.
Unmanned Operations
We help establishing civil UAV operations. We focus on humanitarian, medical, and goods transport, ensuring efficient, safe, and reliable UAV commercial operations.
Helicopter Operations
We help establishing helicopter operations. We focus on private uses and commercial ventures including passenger transport, tourism, and utility services, ensuring efficiency and growth.
Strategic Tailored Advisory
We offer tailored advisory, providing insights on market entry, expansion, and operational optimization for sustained growth and competitive advantage, as per your profile.
Market Analysis and Research
We provide actionable intelligence on industry trends and emerging technologies, enabling informed decisions and strategic planning.
Policy & Regulatory Consulting
We navigate the aviation regulatory landscape, working with agencies to develop policies for safety, efficiency, and innovation, helping clients comply with complex regulations.
Cooperations & Partnerships
We excel in forging global strategic lasting relationships, leveraging our unique industry insights and network.
Technology and Innovation
We help adopt cutting-edge methods and technologies to achieve goals operational efficiency, and sustainability, ensuring competitiveness.
Why Choosing Us
We strive in delivering industry expertise, tailored solutions, ability to access our global dedicated network, and ability to drive innovation and growth.

Tailored Approached
Our tailored approach ensures personalized solutions for each client’s unique needs, fostering strategic growth and maximizing operational efficiency in aviation.

Our expertise in aviation consulting drives growth, innovation, and sustainability, providing tailored solutions for strategic, regulatory, and technological challenges.

Extensive Network
Our extensive network connects clients with global industry leaders and innovators, enabling strategic partnerships and access to cutting-edge aviation solutions.
151 Chin Swee Road #07-12 Manhattan House, Singapore, 169876
Contact: +65 8742 8639